How Are We Doing

Here at Dr. Hassan Wehbeh's New Beginnings Perinatal Center we work hard every day to provide our patients with the highest quality of care possible. One of the ways we evaluate how we are doing is to get feedback from you, our sole reason for being here.

We welcome your comments and encourage you to let us know what we can do better to improve our services. The results from the survey will be reviewed by Dr. Wehbeh and management.

Please rate our services with a numerical score from 1 to 5.
1=Unacceptable Performance
2= Poor Performance
3= Fair / Average Performance
4= Good Performance
5= Exceptional Performance

Q1: When you call the office are the phones answered promptly?
Q2: Are appointments available when you need them?
Q3: How would you rate how long you had to wait in the waiting room?
Q4: How would you rate the amount of time you had to wait before registration?
Q5: How would you rate contact with the staff?
Q6: Was the staff friendly and helpful?
Q7: Was the Ultrasound Technician friendly, respectful and sensitive?
Q8: Was the doctor friendly, respectful and sensitive?
Q9: Rate your overall experience with your visit today?
Q10: I would recommend the doctor to family and friends?
Comments (Maximum characters: 500)
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Would you like someone to follow up with you regarding your service experience:

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